
what to you is a community?​

Sagot :


I’d say community to me is just a group of people who live and work together in a way that benefits everybody equall

“I believe community is the people and cultures just coming together. Unity.”

“To me, community is people interacting with each other peacefully in the same environment.”

“Community is being able to greet somebody and go in a space and not feel alienated or impersonal.”

“Community to me is a sense of belonging amongst like minded people.”

“Community is a group of people living in the same area working towards a common goal.”

“It’s people who come together because they believe in the same thing and they are passionate about the same thing, and they work together to make sure that thing happens. So, for me, that’s social justice.”

“Community to me is a group of people that care about one another. They may be united over an issue like the LGTB Center that we’re in right now, or they may just be a group of friends. But it’s people that care about each other enough to create a system of love and support for one another.”

“I think that community is a group of individuals that whether because they come from the same place or live in the same place or are working towards a common goal find it in themselves to work together and support each other.”

“Community is a group of people who are together who are working towards a common goal who have the same beliefs and help each other out through the hard times.”

In Studier: Other Questions