pls answer any item thanks a lot

1.Scientism is the promotion of science as the best or only objective means by which society should determine normative and epistemological values.
2.Lewis compared science to magic in three ways. According to him, the two ideas ofscience and magic are being in the way that they are able to function as an alternativereligion in their encouragement of a lack of skepticism and in their quest for power.
3.Science is far more dangerous than magic because magic fails. If it does not work then,people could not use it to control the world while science has the potential that you reallycan’t control the people. If you find the right charge, the right treatments, you canmanipulate them. In science, you don’t have any other way of protecting what you aredoing and so it becomes dangerous.
4.The essence of modernity is that “ nothing is sacred.” Its consequence include the humanperson. When modernity happens, there will be no distinctions between individuals orhumans between animals and vegetables and all other non-human creatures.
5. Lewis agrees that science is good but we must know how to control it. Firstly, weneed to know and understand that limits of science. We must know what we should and
5. Lewis agrees that science is good but we must know how to control it. Firstly, weneed to know and understand that limits of science. We must know what we should andBackground image.