ZYRAROXANNEDIN ZYRAROXANNEDIN Science Answered Encircle the letter of the correct word or phrase that best completes each sentence.1. Single-celled organisms are exemplified by the _____a. flyb. pongec. sea stard. Paramecium2. The shells of foraminifera are used as a source of _____a. oilb. sandc. pearld. chalk3. The ____ is the protist that can be found in human teeth.a. Amoeba proteusb. Balantidium colic. Entamoeba gingivalud. Entamoeba hustolytica4. The ____ is the protist that causes malaria and is transmitted by the bite of the female Anopheles mosquito.a. Plasmodium vivarb. Plasmodium ouale c. Plasmodium malariaed. Plasmodium falciparum5. The Plasmodium cells that attack red blood cells and cause malaria are called _____a. merozoitesb. protozoitesc. sporozoitesd. trophozoites6. Bacteria can be destroyed at temperatures of _____a. 10°C to 24°Cc. 37°C to 60°Cb 25°C to 40°Cd. 65 C to 70°C7. Cholera is caused by _____a. Diplococcusb. Vibrio commac. Salmonella typhid. Bordetella pertussis8. ______ is not caused by bacteria.a. Mаlаriac. Tuberculosisb. Measlesd. Paralytic shellfish poisoning9 Bacteria are useful because they _____ a. are sources of antibioticsb. can decompose dead organismsc. cause tumors in plants and animalsd. can manufacture food by chemosynthesis10. _____ is not caused by viruses. a. mumpsb. sore throatc. chicken poxd. whooping cough