es Share a Directions: In this activity, you will create and share a Folder, Share a Printer, and Set Share Permissions permissions for the shares. You will be given 30 minutes to complete the task. You will be rated based on the performance criteria provided below. Two computers running Windows XP Professional that are Recommended Equipment folder, share a printer, and set to each other or through a switch or Functionality (40%) -Had set up a functional file and printer sharing system and was able to come up with a printed hard copy through it A printer installed on one of the two computers, CRITERIA diredtly connected Excellent 4 Good 3 Fair Safety Procedures (15%) - Applied/Observed safety precautions while Poor working 17 Adherence to the Procedures (30%) -Followed the procedures systematically Workmanship (15%) -Had organized materials and tools while accomplishing the task and has time management