Sagot :
16. Cheetahs are the fastest land animals.
a. Cheetahs have small rounded heads.
b. Cheetah's special pads on its feet help create traction for the animal.
c. Cheetahs are carnivores that hunt animals.
d. A cheetah can run up to 93 km per hour.
17. Green is a secondary color.
a. Mixing the primary colors yellow and blue makes the color green.
b. Green is associated with life, growth and nature.
c. The color green can be found in the color wheel.
d. Green is the second most popular favorite color.
18. Pure gold is so soft.
a. The chemical element gold is classed as a transition metal.
b. Pure gold can be molded by bare hands.
c. Gold is widely used in jewelry and coinage.
d. Gold is a good conductor of electricity and heat.
19. Philippines is an archipelago.
a. The Philippines is made up of thousands of islands.
b. The capital of Philippines is Manila City.
c. The Philippines is located in South East Asia.
d. The country is named "the Philippines" after King Philip II of Spain
20. The tiger is the biggest species of the cat family.
a. A group of tigers is known as an 'ambush' or 'streak'.
b. Tigers can easily jump over 5 meters in length.
c. Tigers can reach a length of up to 3.3 meters and weigh as much as 300 kilograms.