1.Which of the following Islamic vocal music is performed during wedding rites, wherein the singers are extemporizing allusions and double meanings as they vie with each other.
A. Lugu B. Dikker C. Bayok D. Molu
2. What musical genre is used in reading the Qura'n an other books used in their religion.
A. Minor B. Pentatonic C. Major D. Diatonic
3. Which the following is NOT a vocal genre of the music of MINDANAO.
A. Sa-il B. Hudhud C. Lugu D. Maulod
4. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the music of Mindanao.
A. Vocal music of Mindanao can be in a form of religious or secular. B. Music of the Mindanao is patterned in many European musical style. C. People in the communities can participate in chanting. D. Their music can be categorized as formal or informal music.
5. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the vocal music of MINDANAO.
A. High- pitched B. Syncopated C. Free- meter D. Melismatic
6. Which of the following characteristics refers to a musical meter without time signature that is usedd in chants in the music of Mindanao.
A. Melismatic B. High- pitched C. Free- meter D. Syncopated
7. Which of the following Maranao informal vocal music is used for rowing and sailing?
A. Ida- ida a wata B. Kapongayao C. Darangen D. Maulad
8. Which of the following does NOT belong to the Maranao informal vocal music?
A. Kapongayao B. Kadidao sa wata C. Kapranon D. Ida- ida a wata
9. Which of the following musical characteristics best describes the vocal music of the Maranao.
A. uses diatonic scale B. rhythm is syncopated C. melodic lines are melismatic D. uses western form of harmony
10. Which of the following ritual prayer homage to the dead is sung by the bereaved family while the dead person’s body is carried around the house?
A. Kadalaot sa Miyatay B. Kapranon C. Kadikir-Kandikira D. Kandomana