
1 Running, walking, jumping rope, and lifting weights are examples of
A Bone-strengthening activities
C Walking the dog, and yog
B. Flexibility
D. Muscle-strengthening activity
2. Which group is not a form of physical activity?
A Gardening and dancing
B. Soccer and basketball
C. Walking the dog, and yoga
D. None, they are all forms of physical activities
3. It is recommended for them to do at least 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity throughout
the week
A. 18 years old
B. 64 years old C. 65 years old d Below 18 years old
4. If you have not exercised for a while, what is best for you?
A Go and exercise immediately
C. Start slowly and build up to higher intensity activities
B. Get advice from medical doctor
D. Start from high-intensity routine
5. The following are three main types of physical activity, which one is NOT?
A Aerobic exercise
C. Flexibility exercise
B. Muscle-strengthening
D. Bone-Strengthening
6. Children who are 5-17-year-old must avoid doing one,
A. Do at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous daily physical activity
B. Additional physical activities greater than 60-minutes daily
C. Bone and muscle-strengthening activities for at least 3 times per week
D. 150 minutes of moderate physical activity in a week
7. When you are active, you will burn?
B. Muscle tissue C. Oxygen
D. Toxins
A Energy
8. Aerobic activity is also called
B. Endurance activity C. Agility activity D Speed activity
A. Flexibility activity
9. It helps improve your flexibility and your ability to fully move your joints.
A. stretching
B. running
C. toe touch
D. both A and C​