
True or False

________________1. Marxist criticism focuses understanding how power,

politics, and money play a role in arts, texts, movies, etc..

________________2. Formalism reveals how aspects of our culture are

patriarchal, i.e., how our culture views men as superior and

women as inferior.

________________3. Feminism emphasizes on the form or structure of an object, and elements of a written work to determine its

underlying meaning.

________________4. Reader-response criticism argues that the meaning of a text

is dependent upon the reader’s response to it.

________________5. Historical criticism emphasizes the importance of the author/

artist’s life and background into account when analyzing a text

or an object.

________________6. Biographical criticism posits that every literary work is the

product of its time and its world.

________________7. Formalism examines texts out of the context of their time

period, social setting, and author’s background.

________________8. Marxist criticism focuses on the act of reading and how it

affects readers’ perceptions of a text.

________________9. Historical criticism examines how literary texts reflect the

ideas, beliefs, and attitudes of the time in which they were


________________10. Biographical criticism states that understanding an author’s

background can help readers interpret a text.6​

Sagot :


  1. True
  2. True
  3. False
  4. True
  5. True
  6. True
  7. False
  8. False
  9. True
  10. True
