Guided by the icons above, give the appropriate multimedia resources to be used in the following situations or works you need to do.
1. Somebody from other country would like to know the Philippines better.
2. In your class, you are asked to make a report about a certain topic.
3. Submit a proof that you are done with your group activity.
4. You need to create a birthday present to your friend that will showcase your creativity and the messages of all your friends.
5. Presentation of a weather report.
6. Draw an image that you will give to your mother.
7. You are assigned to give a despedida presentation to your friend who is about to migrate in Canada.
8. In your AP class your teacher asked you to come up with a presentation comparing the life before and after COVID -19.
7. You are assigned to give a despedida presentation to your friend who is about to migrate in Canada. 8. In your AP class your teacher asked you to come up with a
presentation comparing the life before and after COVID -19.
9. You are tasked to teach your classmate how to read.
10. Present your family background.