Sagot :
Nothing to do with each other.
- Alchemy did look at the material world but through layers of mistaken religious, magical and mystical blather. It was wrong in principle and never did much more than provide a few glib charlatans with a reliable living through fraud. It never really got anywhere until alchemists dropped the mystical nonsense and just kept what could be reliably and repeatedly observed about the chemicals they messed about with.
Alchemy did look at the material world but through layers of mistaken religious, magical and mystical blather. It was wrong in principle and never did much more than provide a few glib charlatans with a reliable living through fraud. It never really got anywhere until alchemists dropped the mystical nonsense and just kept what could be reliably and repeatedly observed about the chemicals they messed about with.The actual sysnthesis of new elements came about through modern physics and chemistry and an understanding of radioactivity that related atomic properties to the number of protons. It was eventually discovered how to add protons to an existing atom. It has zero in common with alchemy.