
Choose the letter only from
the box of the specific points given.

A. Classification B. Explanation C. Enumeration D. Tome order

1. Words signal the order in which events happen. They allow readers to understand a
sequence of events. Transition/signal words that maybe used to show order of steps include first,
second third, then, before, after, during, meanwhile etc.

2. paragraph or text the kinds, characters, classes, types, parts, ways, and
groups of a thing or subject. Transition/signal words used to show enumeration are the following
in many ways, such as, first one, second, or next, and so on.

3. A factual text type that explains how or why something happens

4.It begins with the topic, describes items related to the topic in the right order, and
explains how these items are related to each other. It may have a conclusion. This text type is written in the present tense.

5.to categorize things according to their similarities. It begins
with a general classification or definition, then lists a sequence of related information about the
topic and ends with a concluding comment.

DIRECTIONS: Identify the following text types according to purpose and feature. Choose and
write the letter of the correct answer from the box above.

6. Earthquakes occur when two tectonic plates move suddenly against each other.
The rocks usually break underground at the hypocenter and the earth shakes. Wave spread from
the epicenter, the point on the surface above the hypocenter. If a quake occurs under the sea it

7. Dogs are domesticated animals that have been living with humans for generations.
Dogs can be classified by breed. Examples of different breeds include beagles, basset hounds, poodles and countless others. They can also be classified by their role in the lives of their masters
and the work they do. For example a dog might be a
Family pet​