Read these sentence carefully. Identify each as simple, compound, or complex. Write S for simple, C for
compound, and CL for complex.
1. I will be at the mall.
2. Come on time and I'll be there.
3. If you can come ahead of me, please wait for me.
4. Cross the street carefully.
5. The children were standing at the corner while I walked straight ahead.
6. After getting up early, be sure to eat your breakfast.
7. Mother helps us move on time.
8. They want to rest before they eat their support.
9. As soon as you arrive, call me up.
10. We are all waiting for the program to start.
11. When Elena called, you were not home yet.
12. Come and see us.
13. I put the books in my bags and they are very heavy.
14. The water is colder than I thought.
15. The team always exercises before practice begins.
16. When you arrive, come to the front door.
17. We visited the church and prayed for guidance.
18. We can't start the program unless the music is complete.
19. My work was loaded until he came.
20. The visitors were applauding and they went on and on