

DIRECTIONS: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Multimodal communication is simply communication through
a. modes
b. media
c. means

2. Some examples of modes may be
a. verbal and sign language
b. pictures and gestures
c. A and B

3. It is the study of signs and symbols and their use or interpretation.
a. semiotics
b. symbiotic
c. symbolism

4. Multimodal communicators use "mode" to communicate."
a. only one
b. more than one
c. indefinite

5. The Australian Curriculum: English Draft Version 1.0.1, states that in the 21st century, the definition of literacy has expanded to refer to.

a. a flexible, sustainable command of a set of capabilities in the use and production of traditional texts
and new communications technologies, using spoken language, print and multimedia.
b. a flexible, sustainable command of a set of capabilities in the use and production of traditional texts
and old communications technologies, using multimedia.
c. a flexible, sustainable command of a set of capabilities in the use and production of traditional texts
and new communications without the use of technology.

6. Flexible means ________
a. unwilling to change or compromise,
b. able to be easily modified or adjusted to respond to altered circumstances or conditions
c. component of physical fitness and has many positive effects on the body.

7. A way of thinking of communication and language is a system of signs and symbols that are used to convey
a. message
b. communication.
c. meaning.

8. To be multiliterate, a person must be literate in
a. traditional way of communication
b. new communication technologies
c. both traditional and in new communication technologies.

9.There are ______ semiotic systems.
a. ten
b. two
C. five

10. Which is not included in the linguistic semiotic system?
a. vocabulary
b. body control
c. structure​