Sagot :
1. Imagine all the people living life in peace,
( I think of or imagined if the people will be in peace and everything will be ok)
2. Imagine there's no countries
( I think of myself, not having any country makes everyone equal)
3. Nothing to kill or die for And no religion, too
( I think of it. No killing no dying makes us having peace and a happy life.)
4. No need for greed or hunger
( I wondered if no one will be greedy and no one will be hungry we will all be ok and happy. )
5. Imagine all the people Living life in peace...
( I wondered if everyone will live in peace everyone will get along with each other)
B. This is my answer from my own perspective
This lines make me wonder how it would feel if the people or the world would get along and be in peace. How would we fill if no one judge us.. How we would feel if everyone is having respect to everyone.
D. The important details that I listened to is how people are Anomaliesing the humans or having child abuse is really bad. Some people are usually doing this bad things to children and other persons. Which are illegal and should be punished by harassing peoples.
E. Having my own opinion to this incident as a student we need to mind that this kind of people are just making humans life miserable. Harrasing or having child abuse is illegal and the person doing this bad things should have a big punishment.
NOTE: My answer is based on my perspective. We all have different opinions to things but my answer is my opinion. Thank you and Have a great day!.