Sagot :
Definition of lead (Entry 1 of 5)
transitive verb
1a: to guide on a way especially by going in advance
led the officers to his hiding place
b: to direct on a course or in a direction
a road leading the traveler to the heart of the city
c: to serve as a channel for
a pipe leads water to the house
2: to go through : LIVE
lead a quiet life
3a(1): to direct the operations, activity, or performance of
lead an orchestra
(2): to have charge of
lead a campaign
(3): to suggest to (a witness) the answer desired by asking leading questions
counsel is leading this witness, putting words in her mouth
— Erle Stanley Gardner
b(1): to go at the head of
lead a parade
(2): to be first in or among
lead the league
(3): to have a margin over
led his opponent
4: to bring to some conclusion or condition
led to believe otherwise
5: to begin play with
lead trumps
6a: to aim in front of (a moving object)
lead a duck
b: to pass a ball or puck just in front of (a moving teammate)
intransitive verb
1a: to guide someone or something along a way
You lead and we'll follow.
b: to lie, run, or open in a specified place or direction
path leads uphill
c: to guide a dance partner through the steps of a dance
2a: to be first
This state leads in population.
will lead off with a Christmas story
— Richard Bissell
(2): to play the first card of a trick, round, or game
3: to tend toward or have a result
study leading to a degree
4: to direct the first of a series of blows at an opponent in boxing
lead one down the garden path or less commonly lead one up the garden path
I'd rather he be disappointed with the truth rather than lead him down the garden path
— Harold Robbins
lead noun (1)
\ ˈlēd \
Definition of lead (Entry 2 of 5)
look to the president for a unifying lead
— D. W. Brogan
followed the lead of the majority leader in voting
b(1): position at the front : VANGUARD
The runner from Kenya was in the lead for most of the race.
took the lead in fighting the measure
(3): the act or privilege of playing first in a card game
Your partner has the lead.
also : the card or suit played first
His lead was the ace.
c: a margin or measure of advantage or superiority or position in advance
enjoys a good lead over all competitors
2: one that leads: such as
a: LODE sense 2
b: a channel of water especially through a field of ice
The detectives had a few leads to follow.
d: a principal role in a dramatic production
She was the romantic lead in the movie.
also : one who plays such a role
e: LEASH sense 1
train a dog to walk on a lead
f(1): an introductory section of a news story : LEDE
edit the lead to grab the reader's attention
(2): a news story of chief importance
The story of his arrest was the lead in newspapers across the country.
3: an insulated electrical conductor connected to an electrical device
4: the course of a rope from end to end
5: the amount of axial (see AXIAL sense 2a) advance of a point accompanying a complete turn of a thread (as of a screw or worm)
6: a position taken by a base runner off a base toward the next
The runner on first took a big lead.
7: the first punch of a series or an exchange of punches in boxing
lead adjective
\ ˈlēd \
Definition of lead (Entry 3 of 5)
: acting or serving as a lead (see LEAD entry 2) or leader
a lead article
lead noun (2), often attributive
\ ˈled \
Definition of lead (Entry 4 of 5)
1: a soft, heavy, metallic element with atomic number 82 found mostly in combination and used especially in alloys, batteries, and shields against sound, vibration, or radiation
2a: a plummet for sounding at sea
bleads plural, British : a usually flat lead roof
cleads plural : lead framing for panes in windows
d: a thin strip of metal used to separate lines of type in printing
3a: a thin stick of marking substance (such as graphite) in or for a pencil
lead verb (2)
\ ˈled \
leaded; leading; leads
Definition of lead (Entry 5 of 5)
transitive verb
1: to cover, line, or weight with lead (see LEAD entry 4)
2: to fix (window glass) in position with leads
3: to put space between the lines of (typeset matter)
4: to treat or mix with lead or a lead compound
leaded gasoline