
how many 3 letter words can be created out of the letters from a to m with repetition​

Sagot :


There are four distinct letters in the word SERIES. You can either use three of the four letters or use two of the four letters by using either S or E twice.

You can use three distinct letters in P(4,3)=4⋅3⋅2=24 ways.

You can use exactly two letters if you use S or E twice. Thus, there are C(2,1) ways of choosing the repeated letter, C(3,2) ways of choosing where to place those letters in the three letter word, and C(3,1) of choosing the third letter in the word, giving


ways to form a word with a repeated letter.

Consequently, there are 24+18=42 distinguishable three letter words that can be formed with the letters of the word SERIES.

Step-by-step explanation:

hope it helps:)