5. In what situation can you help your family save resources? A. Develop the habit of walking short distances, B. Turn off appliances when not in use. C. Spend their allowance wisely. D. All of the above, 6. Which of the following kind of money income received by retired persons, old age widow and other pensioners? A. dividends D. wag B. pension C. salary 7. What kind of income is defined as monthly salary of a person who are doing government or private services? A. dividends B. pension C. salary D. wage 8. Which of the following is NOT a real income? A inherited agricultural land B. garden produce B. poultry farms D. gift check 9. Which of the following is an example of a psychic income? A. pensions B. royalties C. travel abroad D. wages 10. How will you spend your income wisely? A. Choose store where you can be assured of standard price. B. Know the substitute ingredients for expensive items. C. Buy in bulk the things that are needed every day. D All