
MULTIPLE CHOICE: Select the letter of the correct answer
1. A multi movement work of solo instrument.
a. Sonata concerto c. harmony d. dynamics it
2. It is a period from 1750-1820.
a. Renaissance b. classical period c. Romantic period d. none of the above
3. What is the texture of the music from the classical period?
Monophonic b. melismatic c. minimalist d. homophonic
4. The new style of architecture, literature, and arts in the middle of 18th century was
called__? a. minimalist b. age of reason c. classicism d. impressionism
5. The element of the classical music were phrases very regular and of the same
a. Harmony
b. Dynamics
c. Texture
d. Melody
6. It is the combination of pitch and rhythm, and in classical music its characters were
easy to sing and remember. a. texture b. harmony C. note d. melody
7. A style of a broken chord accompaniment is called?
a. Concerto b. sonata c. choral
d. Alberti bas
8. Great composer of classical period except.
b. Mozart c. Beethoven
d. Palestrina
9. Element of classical music were in more than one pitch sounding at the same time.
c. Harmony
d. texture
b. Melody
a. Dynamics
10. Classical era is also called?
a. Age of reason
c. dark ages d. none of the above
b. pearl of irregular shape​