1. A way to ask God about things or for things 2. The act of communicating with God, it means having a quiet time with God and talking to God about yourself. 3. An expression of gratitude for the outcome of the conversation 4. A conversation with God. 5. Thanks giving for answering your request 6. Based on ritualism. 7. It acts as a way of conversation between yourself and God 8. A communion with the whole where you get connected to the whole. 9. Its simplest form, revering God and recognizing all He has done. 10. Refers to specific acts of religious praise and devotion. 11. A supplication 12. An intense adoration... love and respect. 13. Can be a message to Him that we love Him and are thankful for everything He has done for us 14. This includes asking God for good health for family or friends, courage and resilience in times of stress, and comfort whenever we need His help. 15. Lead us to the attainment of your goals