
Write the letter of the conect answer in the space provided.
Bi. The female reproductive system produces and stores the egg cells of ovo mienen
the following is a female reproductive organ hos o function mentioned above
a. Egg cell
b. Ovary
C. Sperm cell
C 2. Which of the following are the parts of female reproductive orgona
1. Ovary ll. Uterus II. Fallopian tube IV. Penis V. Vagino VI. Vos deferens
1. II, IV and Vi
I, II, III and VI
I, II, III and v
3. The following are the parts of male reproductive organ, EXCEPT:
1. Penis II. Epididymis III. Fallopian tube IV. Penis V. Vagino V1, Vos deterens
a. lll and V
b. I, II, IV and VI
C. III and v
4. Which male reproductive organ is responsible for secreting the semena
a. Foreskin
b. Penis
C. Prostate gland
D 5. The male parent produces the sperm cell. What do you call the male vennemonens
a. Estrogen
b. Insulin
C. Progesterone
6. The lining of the uterus becomes thin after menstruation. An egg in the orary continues
mature. Just before the mid-cycle, the mature egg moves to the surface of the ovory
a. Follicular Phase b.Luteal Phase
C. Menstrual Phase
7. The lining of the uterus called endometrium becomes thicker in prepororonto
implantation of the fertilized egg. If fertilization does not take place, menstruation happens.
The next cycle is then about to begin.
o Follicular Phose b.Luteal Phase
C. Menstrual Phase
Ovo on Prose
8. This happens when fertilization does not occur. The uterine ining begins to break
down and bleeding results. This is called the menstrual flow. The flow lasts from 3 to 7 do
a Follicular Phase b.Luteal Phase
C.Menstrual Phase d.Ovulation Prose
9. The mature egg is released. The mature egg then travels from the ovary to the uterus
a Follicular Phase b.Luteal Phase
C. Menstrual Phase d.Ovulation Prose
10. A biological process by which new individual organisms are produced
a Copulation
b. Fertilization
c. Offspring
d. Reproduction
A. The scientific name of the act of engaging in sexual practices of animals
a. Copulation b. Internal Fertilization c. Embryo d Sexwol Reproduction
B12 it tokes place when spem cell unites with the egg cel.
a Copulation b. Fertilization c. Offspring d. Reproduction
13. It takes place when male animal releases when the male animal releases sperm
cels into the body of the female animal to fertilize egg cell
a Copulation Internal Fertilization c. Embryo d Sexual Reproduction
14 This is the type of reproduction which gometes ore NOT in used
o Fertization b Sexual Reproduction Copulation dAsexual Reproduction
2. 15. A process which is the union of egg cell and sperm cell.
a Copulation b. Fertilization c. Offspring d. Reproduction
16 Tha is the male port of the flower
a Sepa b. Stomen
c. Pedicel
17. The part of the flower where ovules con be found.
a ovary b Roment
c. Stigma
d. Peta
18 when the following is NOT an example of sexual reproduction of plants​