
Possible solution of the economic loss?​

Sagot :


The total economic impact that consists of direct economic loss and indirect economic loss.

Direct economic loss: the monetary value of total or partial destruction of physical assets existing in the affected area. Direct economic loss is nearly equivalent to physical damage.

Indirect economic loss: a decline in economic value added as a consequence of direct economic loss and/or human and environmental impacts.

Annotations: Examples of physical assets that are the basis for calculating direct economic loss include homes, schools, hospitals, commercial and governmental buildings, transport, energy, telecommunications infrastructures and other infrastructure; business assets and industrial plants; and products such as crops, livestock and production infrastructure. They may also encompass environmental assets and cultural heritage.

We had a performance task about drawing a product that can possibly solve or reduce the worlds environmental crisis so I drew a bamboo basket. They soak up carbon quickly and produce more oxygen than trees. The plant can prevent soil erosion as well. Additionally, bamboo requires little water to grow, and is practically always grown pesticide-free. Growing it is a triple win for the environment, taking little and returning a lot.

And by encouraging people to plant bamboo it can lessen the environmental crisis and bamboo can replace most items and products so I guess its safe to say that bamboo products can reduce the environmental crisis and could be a solution to economic loss because of the benefits to the environment.