IN. MODIFIED TRUE OR FALSE Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct. If it is false, underline the word that makes It incorrect then write the correct word. Write your answer on the space provided before each number. Examples: Hrothgar TRUE 1. Ecgtheow is the King of the Danes. 2. Grendel terrorizes the Danes for twelve years. 19. King Hrothgar built a great mead-hall called Heorot. 20 Grendel, a horrible demon who lived in the swamplands terrorized the Danes every night. 21. Beowulf, a young warrior of the Geats, determined to fight the monster, sailed to Hrothgar's land. 22. Ecgtheow is the father of Beowulf. 23. Beowulf tore Greandel's legs off which caused his death. 24. Wiglaf killed Grendel's mother. 25. When Beowulf was an old man, a stranger stole a golden cup from a cave where a great dragon lived. 26. With the help of Wiglaf, Beowulf succeeded in killing dragon but with a heavy cost.