
Earth is 1.496×108 km from the sun, and Venus is 1.08×108 km from the sun. One day on Venus is 243
Earth days long. What best represents the number of Venusian days in a Venusian year? (Show solution)
Given example:
R1= 3.84X10^5 KM
R2= 1.45X10^4 KM
T1= 27.3 DAYS
T2= ?

T2=T1 (R2/R1)^3/2
T2= 27.3 DAYS X 24 HR/ 1 DAY X (1.45X10^4/3.84X10^5)^3/2
T2= 4.81 HOURS X 1 DAY/ 24 HR
T2= 0.200 DAYS