FAIRYMAE18IN FAIRYMAE18IN English Answered Numbers 7 – 15). What type of claims of persuasive writing is presented in these examples?7. Children in low-income families should be supported by the local government in availing online class in this time of pandemic.A. definitionB. factC. policyD. value8.Pandemic level diseases all come from viruses found in wildlife.A. definitionB. factC. policyD. value9.The Philippines should consider Academic Freeze for this school year.A. definitionB. factC. policyD. value10.Online Class is better than the Print Modular Distance Learning.A. definitionB. factC. policyD. value11. Children in low-income families should be given medical insurance from the government.A. definitionB. factC. policyD. value12. Social distancing is important during the coronavirus pandemic. A. definitionB. factC. policyD. value13. Private schools are better than public schools.A. definitionB. factC. policyD. value14. The Philippines is an archipelago.A. definitionB. factC. policyD. value15. Euthanasia is termed mercy killing. A. definitionB. factC. policyD. value