SHIQUE01IN SHIQUE01IN English Answered 1. Men are better for job promotions. a. STEREOTYPEb. COUNTER-STEREOTYPE2.Men and women should be treated equally for promotions. a. STEREOTYPEb. COUNTER-STEREOTYPE3.Old people should leave the workforce. a. STEREOTYPEb. COUNTER-STEREOTYPE4. Old people should be employed based on their skills, not by their age. a. Stereotypeb. COUNTER-STEREOTYPE5. Men always need to rescue women in films and literature. a. STEREOTYPEb. COUNTER-STEREOTYPE6.Films and literature should highlight strong and independent women a. STEREOTYPEb. COUNTER-STEREOTYPE7. Asians have unique and positive qualities. a. STEREOTYPEb. COUNTER-STEREOTYPE8.Asians are typecast for their similarities. a. STEREOTYPEb. COUNTER-STEREOTYPE