b. Term 4. The next two terms of the sequence. 210. 215, 220, I a. 225, 230 b. 230, 240 c. 245, 250 d. 255 , 260 5. The next two terms of the sequence. 6, 12, 24, a. 25. 26 b. 28 30 c. 40. 46 d. 48 . 96 6.The common different of the following sequence. 9, 27, 81, 243. a. +3 b. -3 c. ×3 d. ÷3 7.The common difference of the following sequence 110, 115, 120, 125. a.+5 b.-5 c.×5 d.÷5 8.It is a three- dimensional figure that has equal width, height and length. a. cube b. Pyramid c. rectangular prism d.Triangular prism 9.It is a three- dimensional figure that has equal with six rectangular faces a. cube b. Pyramid c. rectangular prism d.Triangular prism 10.It measures the amount of space contained in solid figure A. Area b. circumference c.Perimeter d. volume