
1. Musical theatre combining dialogue, music and dance.
A theatre and play
B. zarzuela
C. musical
2. A bamboo tubes played by stomping each against the ground.
A. Tongali
B. Tongatong
C. Bungkaka
3. Gongs played by striking with the palm while rested on the lap.
A. Gangsa Toppaya
B.Gangsa Palook
C. Bilbil
4. Gongs that are struck or beaten with wooden mallets while held by the left hand and usually played by men.
A. Gangsa Toppaya
C.Gandsa Palook
5. A bamboo instrument that is played by striking against the palm of one hand.
A Tongali
6. A nose flute played with the extreme forward edge of the right or left nostil.
A. Tongali
B. Tongatong
7. Bamboo of different sizes for varied timbre that is split in half and struck by wooden sticks while
rested on the lap.
8. Song used to communicate with spirits in rituals for healing the sick and protecting the community.
A. Pamuybuyen
B. Marayaw
9. Music from Mindoro that is composed of a seven syllable line ending in rhymes.
A. Pamu ybuyen
B. Marayaw
10. An instrument with 3 to 4 strings with a wooden body and human hair for the bow.
A. Kalutang
B. Gigit
11. A pair of equal-sized wood struck together.
A. Kalutang
B. Gigit
C. Kudyapi
12. It is chanted vocal music about epic heroes and usually chantd at night, ending at daybreak.
A. Tuitul
B. Kulial
C. Bagit
13. The musical style of Visayan is a song and dance debate between a man and women known as
A. Balitaw
B. Polka
14. He was known as Father of Rondalla.
A. John Silos Jr.
B. Juan Silos
C. Juan Silos Jr.
15. Rondalla instrument that has a shorter neck compared to the guitar, with 14 strings and 16 frets.
A. Laud