
After cooking food what is your goal? Of course putting your food in a plate. The question is, how you place your food? When you're plating food, your goal should be to make the food look attractive and appetizing. This is because people eat with their eyes first, so if the food looks good, they're more likely to enjoy it. To achieve restaurant-quality presentation, layer the food and experiment with contrasting colors and textures to make it as appealing as possible.
Plating and presentation refers to the arrangement of food on the plate dressed with a sauce or topped with garnishing. These simple touches make dishes visually more appealing. Here are the three fundamentals to know before developing your plating styles.

Garnishing provide or supply with something ornamental; adorn; decorate to provide (a food) with something that adds flavor, decorative color, and etc.

Storing Fish and seafood -How long your fresh seafood will last depends on the condition of the product when you purchased it (See selecting seafood) and on how well you take care of it. When storing fresh seafood, keep it in the coldest part of the refrigerator. Use a thermometer to make sure your home refrigerators is operating at 40°F or lower. Fish will lose quality and deteriorate rapidly with higher storage temperature – so use ice when you can. Always purchase seafood last during your shopping trip, and bring a cooler to transport it home. If you have caught your own fish, do not let them sit on the deck until you come back to the dock. Bury them on ice immediately or use an ice slush with approximately 2 parts ice to 1 part water to keep your catch cold.​