
what do you think mama grunt will do after seeing george sitting on a pile of big eggs?​

Sagot :

Little Grunt and the Big Egg

A Readers Theater

Narrator 1 Narrator 2 Little Grunt Papa Grunt Mama Grunt

Unca Grunt Ant Grunt Granny Grunt George

Chief Rockhead Grunt

Narrator 1: Once upon a time, in a big cave, past the volcano on the left, lived the Grunt

Tribe. There was Unca Grunt, Ant Grunt, Granny Grunt, Mama Grunt, and Papa Grunt.

Narrator 2: Their leader was Chief Rockhead Grunt. The smallest Grunt of all was

Little Grunt.

N1: One Saturday morning, Mama Grunt said to Little Grunt...

Mama Grunt: Little Grunt, tomorrow the Ugga-Wugga Tribe are coming for Sunday

brunch. Could you please go outside and gather two dozen eggs?

Little Grunt: Yes, Mama Grunt.

N2: So off Little Grunt went. At that time of year, eggs were hard to find. Little

Grunt looked and looked. No luck. He was getting tired.

Little Grunt: What am I going to do? I can't find a single egg. I'll try one more place.

N1: It was a good thing that he did, because there, in the one more place, was the

biggest egg Little Grunt had ever seen!

N2: It was too big to carry. It was too far to roll. And besides, Little Grunt has to be

careful. Eggs break very easily.

Little Grunt: I know!

N1: He gathered some of the thick pointy leaves that were growing nearby. He wove

them into a mat. Then he carefully rolled the egg on top of it. He pulled and pulled and

pulled the egg all the way home.

Mama Grunt: My goodness!

Papa Grunt: What an egg!

Unca Grunt: That will feed us AND the Ugga-Wuggas.

Ant Grunt: And even th