Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Which of the following tells about the importance of planting trees
A. The biological products like rubber come from wood.
B. Leaves from tree are a major source of fuel for heating and cooking
C. Construction materials like plywood and ply board are also coming from leaves
D. Fruits and nuts are good sources of carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
2. Which of the following statement is NOT true?
A. The root system promotes soil stability.
B. Trees serve as valuable wildlife habitats.
C. If there are trees serve as bamers and the roots hold the water, flood will not occur.
D. More trees improve the atmosphere by increasing the temperature cousing hotness of
3. The trees help hold the
in the lake and river, preventing it from drying up.
A soil
B. Waler
C. roots
D. barriers
4. It is the wind breaker during typhoon and storm, thus reducing the destruction of home and
agricultural crops.
A. Soil
B. Trees
C. Mountains
D. Vegetables
5. Good quality seedlings cannot be produced without
and tending
A care
B. scaling
C. handling
D. managing
6. Which of the following refers to the method of planting where the seeds or parts of plani ore directly
planted in the soil
A Germinating
B. Transplanting
C. Direct Planting
D. Indirect Planting
7. What does the seed need in order to germinate?
1. Warmth 11. Oxygen
IM. Moisture
I and I
B. Ili and IV
C. Ill and it
D. I, II, III and IV
IV. Sunlight