directions:write whether you agree or disagree on the given pinions below and explaine why. write your answer on the spaces provided. 1.some people say that elephantare extremely intelligent animals.I once a show showing an elephant painting an elephant.their eyes are expressive,too. 2.I believe that political position doesnt make a man secure.if it is not the case,why do goverment official need body guards for protection? 3. our healt should be our number one priority.we must not earn money just to pay medecal bills and maintenance medicine. 4.I believe,women should not play bassketball.they are not physically made for is exhausting and challenging. seems like people have been so dependent on technology.our daily lives have become easy,and convenient because of this. as a result,we also become impatient of little a little waiting ang lossof an electricity even on short of electricity even on shorts periods only.​