1. How many coordinates are needed to track the typhoon with validity? a.more than 15 coordinates b. less than 15 coordinates c. 15 coordinates d. it depends 2. Most of the typhoon that enters the PAR started from which part of the PAR? a. North East b. South East c. North West d. South West 3. The PAR is an area of the earth's surface enclosing all the following EXCEPT: a. Palau b. Chna c. Taiwan d. Northern tip of Borneo 4. Typhoon Sendong is situated at 30 degrees N, 7 degrees E. It is expected that Sendong is found: a.inside the PAR b. outside the PAR c. within the PAR coordinates d. near the Pacific Ocean 5. Which of the following data is NOT needed in tracking a typhoon? a. latitude b. longitude c. month d. seconds 6. The PAR is located in the western part of the North___ Ocean. a. Arctic b. Atlantic c. Indian d. Pacific 7. Which of the following agencies monitors weather occurrences in the country? a. DOST b. DENR c. PAGASA d. PHILVOLCS 8. What do you call the typhoon that hits the Philippines in May 2020? a. Agaton b. Ambo c. Pedro d. Yolanda 9. In what direction did typhoon Sendong move? a. North East b. South East c. North west d. South West 10. Which of the following typhoons has an internal name Washi? a. Agaton b. Ambo c. Sendong d. Yolanda 11. What do you call the "shining head" around a comet? a.Coma b. crown c.halo d. ring 12. What are comets made of? a.dust only b. metal only c. dust & metal d. dust, metal & ice 13. Which of the following celestial bodies is commonly called as shooting stars? a. asteroids b. comets c. meteors d. meteorites 14. Which of the following is the correct location of comets? a. Kuiper's Belt b. asteroid belt c. Neptune's orbit d. Earth's atmosphere 15. Which Near-Earth Objects are found on the Kuiper belt & Oort cloud? a. asteroids b. comets c. meteors d. meteorites 16. What do you call the depression caused by the objects that fell on a planet or moon? a. Canyon b. crater c. plateau d. pothole 17. What causes the bright sparks of light brought by meteors? a. humidity b. air friction C. condensation d. atmospheric pressure 18. What will happen if a comet gets closer to the sun? a. it expires b. it explodes c. it melts & disappears d. it forms a tail 19. What do you call a celestial body that reaches the Earth's crust? a. comet b. meteor c. meteorite d.meteoroid 20. Which of the following planets has a gravitational pull that prevented asteroids from forming a new planet based on theory? a. Earth b. Jupiter c. Neptune d. Saturn