
1. It refers to the effect that a pair of organisms living together in a
Looking Back
1. Directions: Read the questions carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct
community have on each other. They can be either of the same species,
or of different species.
A. Environment B. Interaction
C. Diversity D. Ecology
2. It is the type of interaction where both species benefit from the
A Mutualism B. Commensalism
C. Competition D. Parasitism
3. It is the type of interaction where one organism benefits while the other is
not harmed nor affected.
A Mutualism B. Commensalism
C. Competition D. Parasitism
4. Parasitism and competition are types of
among living organisms
D. Biological
A. Beneficial
C. Significant
B. Harmful
5. Which of the following pairs of organisms is an example of competition?
C. buffalo and lion
A. butterfly and flowers
D. birds and worms
B. fish and plants
Brief Introduction
Hi kids!
On the previous module, you have understood that interactions
among organisms happen in our environment. The saying "No man is an
among organisms because they cannot exist in