
Activity 3.
Write your own tips in delivering an impromptu speech based on your experience of
delivering and/or writing the speech.​

Sagot :


For many of us it’s the worst case scenario – suddenly having to deliver an impromptu presentation. Being asked to speak in public is a major challenge for many leaders. Being asked to speak spontaneously as well as publicly can catapult the task straight into the very-difficult, to-be-avoided-at-all-times-I'd-rather-die category. The negative possibilities appear grave – your brain freezes, you mumble incoherently or you appear to lose all gravitas.

Yet these scenarios happen all the time – introducing yourself at networking events, giving a toast at a company party, unexpectedly being pulled into a meeting to give an update, having a colleague directly turn to you in the middle of a presentation for input or being asked an unexpected question on a panel.

While you may wish for thorough preparation, giving an extemporaneous speech can mark you out as an excellent communicator. It’s how you handle yourself when you are least prepared that often demonstrates your leadership and influencing abilities.

Here are 10 top tips for performing – and presenting – under unexpected pressure.

1. Be confident - Look up, breathe deeply, say to yourself something positive – ‘I’m going to be fine’.

2. Focus on the audience - Every presentation, including impromptu ones, need to be audience centric. The audience will be on your side – focus on what will be useful to them.

3. Less is more - Avoid the tendency to ramble. An audience is far more likely to listen if you stay on target and are succinct. In fact they'll love you for it. Keep it short and to the point. Remember the Power of 3 – stick to three key points.

4. Have a structure - Tell them what you are going to tell them; tell them; tell them what you told them. In the main section use a simple structure. For example:

- Past / Present/ future

- Cause / Effect / Remedy

- Before / The Event / The Result

5. Primacy and recency - The audience will remember the first and last things you say. Make sure these are therefore powerful and linked to your key message.

6. Talk conversationally - Imagine you are speaking to your best friend and let yourself be authentic and natural.