
You can help in a wildlife conservation project by raising__________. brainliest ko yung makasagot ng tama.

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Your voice matters! Write to your federal and state elected officials encouraging them to support policies that protect wildlife.

Sign up for AWI eAlerts, which keep you informed about urgent animal protection issues and provide quick and easy ways to get in touch with policymakers.

Check out AWI’s publications about various wildlife protection issues, and share the publications with others.

Visit AWI’s Compassion Index to take

action on current eAlerts.


Plant native species of flowers, trees, and bushes in your yard. This gives wild animals food, shelter, and a place to raise families. Learn more about creating wildlife habitat in your yard.

To attract birds to your yard, learn which native plant species are best for your location.

To attract butterflies and moths to your yard, learn which native plant species are best for your location.

To help imperiled monarch butterflies survive, plant native milkweed. Learn which species of milkweed are native to your region, and find milkweed suppliers in your area.

Reduce the amount of lawn in your yard. Lawns offer minimal food and shelter for wildlife. Try replacing part of your lawn with garden beds or native plants and flowers instead.

Get crafty! Buy or build your own birdhouse or bat house. This can provide hours of fun for the whole family.

No yard? No problem! Balconies and patios are great locations for container gardens.

Do not use pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, or chemical fertilizers on your lawn or garden beds. These products are the leading cause of wildlife poisonings, and are also toxic to companion animals.

Reduce light pollution: artificial light at night has severe negative effects on wildlife. To help, only use lighting when and where it is needed, properly shield all outdoor lights, keep your blinds drawn during the evening, and if safety is a concern, install motion detector lights and timers.

Rethink fall cleanup: leaves, dead flower heads, and ornamental grasses provide critical food and shelter for birds, butterflies, bees, and other beneficial insects during the winter months. Learn more about how fall yard cleanup harms wildlife.


One of the easiest and most effective ways to help wildlife is to preserve the environment in which the animals live.

Volunteer with organizations in your area to restore native forests, grasslands, and coastal ecosystems by planting native species, manually removing invasive plant species, and taking out old fences.

Participate in or hold your own local trash clean-up to help protect the habitats of imperiled species and other wildlife.

Reduce, reuse, recycle!

Reduce: Manufacturing consumer products uses energy and natural resources, and creates waste and pollution. When we consume less, we need fewer natural resources and produce less waste. Some waste, like plastic bags and bottles, can make its way into wildlands and oceans, with negative consequences for endangered species and other animals. Reduce or eliminate your use of single-use plastics, which are difficult to recycle and persist in the environment for decades.

Reuse: Do not throw it away if it still has a use! If you have unwanted books, toys, clothes or other items in good condition, consider giving them to charity instead of throwing them in the trash.

Recycle: Avoid disposable products and products with excessive packaging or packaging that cannot easily be recycled. Find out what is recyclable in your area and recycle everyday items such as aluminum cans, glass and plastic containers, and cardboard and paper products. Dispose of electronics, batteries, and other potentially hazardous materials at municipal collection centers that will handle them properly.

Save energy. Driving less, using energy efficient vehicles and appliances, and simply turning off the lights when you leave a room reduce energy use. Many power plants rely on coal and other fossil fuels that damage wildlife habitat when they are extracted, and pollute the environment and contribute to climate change when burned. Unplug appliances and chargers when not in use to eliminate electricity bleeding. You can also consider joining a community solar program or adding solar technology to your home or business.

Respect wild animals by keeping a safe distance away, not approaching them, and not removing them from their environment. If you find young animals, particularly in the spring, do not handle them. Mothers often leave young for extended periods to forage. Although the young may appear to be abandoned, the mother will almost certainly return within 24 hours, and handling the young puts them in danger. If you encounter an injured wild animal, contact a certified animal rescuer in your area.

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