1. Type of Electromagnetic waves which is commonly used for communication? a. Infrared and microwaves c. Radio waves and gamma rays b. Radio waves and microwaves d. X-ray and microwaves 2. What device uses thermal imaging technology to capture the light emitted as heat by object in the field of view? a. Flourescent b. Infrared camera c. Night vision goggles d. Remote control 3. Colors on Infrared depends on a. Amplitude b. Frequency c. Temperature d. Wavelength 4. What is the correct meaning of the acronym GPS? a. Global Perimeter Square b. Global Positioning System c. Guided Position Symbol d. Guided Positioning Symbol 5. Which of the following is not an application of visible light? a. Bulb b. Cellular phone screen c. Flashlight d. Security markings 6. What form of wave makes your skin tan when exposed for a long period of time? a. Infrared b. Microwave c. Radio wave d. Ultraviolet ray 7. In visible light, which color has the longest wavelength? a. Green b. Red c. Violet d. Yellow 8. Microwave is useful in which of the following applications? d. Sterilization a. Artificial lighting b. Cellular communication c. Remote control 9. Radio wave is useful in which of the following applications? a. Sterilizing medical equipment b. Sunbathing c. Treating cancer d. Watching television 10. All of the following are uses of visible light. Which one is not? a. For thermal imaging b. Gives light to the screen of your devices c. It enables us to see things d. Used in optical fibers 11. What kind of wave is very dangerous, but have been used to kill cancer cells? a. Infrared b.Gamma ray c. Radio wave 12. Which of the following sets of EM radiation can harm your body cells? ultraviolet a. gamma ray, microwaves, infrared c. Microwave, gamma ray, ultraviolet 13. Which kind of wave is use in night vision goggles? a. Infrared b. Microwave c. Radio wave 14. In an infrared camera, what color indicates warmer temperature? a. Blue b. Green c. Violet d. Yellow 15. What imaging technique uses powerful magnets, computer and radio waves to make detailed pictures inside your body? d. Visible light b. gamma ray, X ray, d. X ray, Ultravilet, visible light d. Ultraviolet ray