
lungs, pharnyx ,bronchial tube
diaphragm,blood,blood vessels,arteried,atria,heart,venules

direction:choose in the upper that answer of the question

_____1.it acts as a passageway of both the air and food
_____2.they perform the actual transfer of oxygen into the bloodsteam
_____3.it is for voice production
_____4.it is where the exchangr of gases takes place
_____5.its main function is to inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide
_____6.it is called as a pumping station of the body
_____7.it carries digested food and oxygen to the different body cells and collects wastes from the body cells
_____8.they carry blood away from the heart
_____9.they setve as a passageway of the blood
_____10.they recieve the blood into the heart

Lungs Pharnyx Bronchial Tubediaphragmbloodblood Vesselsarteriedatriaheartvenulesdirectionchoose In The Upper That Answer Of The Question1it Acts As A Passageway class=