Directions: Read and analyze the following statements. Write Ow the statements opinion or A if it is an assertion on the space provided before the number 1 I really think you are the most intelligent classmate that I ever had since my elementary days. 2. This is the right time to strictly impose the modular distance learning due to the pandemic 3. All the people in the world have the potential to become successful in life if they intend to do so. 4. We think that no one is to be blamed for what happened recently. 5. Completing the eight hours of sleep may lessen your stress. 6. it seems that the rotation of the earth slows down when I am with you. 7. I think I am in love with the story of your life. 8. The government stays calm even we are experiencing different kinds of disasters and calamities. 9. I would say that Filipinos are the happiest people in the world. 10. I should submit this research paper on time.​