B. Directions: Read closely the statements then search for the missing letter hidden in each of the given statements then put the hidden letters together to come up with a very important word in oral communication. 1. Letter Search Riddle 1. Look at the end of stop. 2. I'm in the first letter of right. 3. Look at the end of two. 4. I'm in the middle of tents. 5. You'll find me in our but not in ore. 6. I'm in the end of when 7. I have the sound of sea. 8. The sound I produce is similar To an important part of our body. 9. I'm in car but not in core. 10. I'm in the middle of kites. 11. I'm not you. 12. You'll find me in boar but not In bear. 13. I'm in the first letter of none important word in —