
D, 32
For 5 points, read carefully the linear presentation below. Then, fill in the flow chart that
comes after it with appropriate information,
First, place 100 ml of water in each of the eight, wide-mouthed bottles. Then dissolve the following
amounts of salt in the water.
Bottie A- none
Bottle B - 0.5 g
Bottle C - 1.5 g
Bottle D - 2.09
Bottle E-2.09
Bottle F-2.5 g
Bottle G-3.0 g
Bottle H - 3.5 g
Next, put 50 paddy rice grains in each botue. Replace those tha's float. Observe the setups
regularly to find out how many seeds will germinate in each bo'dle each day.
Source: Directions adapted from Science & Technology I, VPHI.