1. What part of the male reproductive system serves as a passageway for the sperm from the testes to the seminal vesicle? a. Prostate gland c. urethra b. scrotum d. Vas deferens 2. Where does fertilization occur? a. cervix c. uterus b. fallopian tube d. Vagina 3. Which of the following is the male hormone produced by the testes? a. estrogen c. testosterone b. progesterone d. None of the above 4. What part of the female productive system releases the egg cell? a. cervix c. oviduct d.vagina 5. Where does a baby (fetus) grow and develop inside the mother? a. fallopian tube c. stomach d. Uterus 6. What is the function of the male reproductive system in human reproduction? a. It produces hormones called testosterone. b. It is responsible for the deepening of male's voice. c. It provides hormones to develop male characteristics. d. It produces sperm cells needed to fertilize egg cells to produce new human being 7. Why does the scrotum and testes maintain low temperature? a. to stock sperm cells b. to protect sperm cells c. to produce sperm cells d. to provide sperm cells with sac like pouch for protection 8. Which of the following organs is also known as the birth canal? a. cervix c. uterus b. fallopian tube d. Vagina 9. What part of the male reproductive system produces a sugar-rich fluid that provides energy to sperms' motility? a. penis b. seminal vesicle d. Urethra 10. What is the only organ that is capable of carrying the baby for 9 months? a. cervix c. ovary b. fallopian tube d. uterus 11. Reproductive organs develop rapidly during a. adulthood c. infancy b. childhood d. Puberty 12. Which is NOT a change observed in a girl's body during puberty? a. broadening of hips. c. development of muscles b. development of breasts d. occurrence of menstruation. 13. Which of the following changes in puberty does not occur in males? a. enlargement of sex organs c. pubic hair growth b. growth spurts d. hips become round and wide 14. Which of the following changes can be experienced in both male and female? a. hips become round and wide c. occurrence of pubic hair b. development of muscles d. development of breasts c. testes​