usdy so? 1. . . . playing music. 5. 6. The character-narrator is a courageous young man. 8. 9. The character-narrator knows when and how to behave at his best. The character-narrator shows maturity throughout the story. 10. The character-narrator, like the pan de sal well-cooked, that he is buying in the end of the story, is already ripe and mature. 251 Task 6: Fresh from the Oven. Locate information in the selection to paragraph number where you found the information. The character-narrator is 14 years old. Pan de sal is the story's bread of salt. Pan de sal in the story is the character-narrator. The character-narrator's liking for Aida is similar to his passion for The character-narrator is ready for an adult life since he is already earning money with his music. determine whether each statement is true (T) or false (F). Indicate the 7. Aida belongs to a rich family like the character-narrator.