
1. It is a form of monetary and non-monetary pay to employees in exchange

for the work performed.

A. Employment C. Rehabilitation

B. Compensation D. Insurance

2. It is a fixed regular payment, typically paid on a daily or weekly basis, made

by an employers to an employee.

A. Wage C. A and B

B. Salary D. Termination

3. It is known as minimum wage act, which states that all employee should

have a minimum wage of 512.00.

A.RA 6727 C. Ra 6778

B.RA 6728 D.RA 2777

4. A period of absence from work granted to a mother before and after birth, 90

days in case of normal delivery.

A. Service charge C. Vacation leave

B. Maternity leave D. Paternity leave

5. Mr. Omaygad was absent for two days. He is not yet a regular employee in

the company and he did not file for a leave. As a result there will be a two day

deduction from his salary. What policy is this?

A. Holiday pay C. No post bill

B .No work, no pay D. No money, no honey

6. It is a government agency that formulates policies, programs and services in

the field of labor and employment



7. Mrs. Dee Magivah spent all her career life in Company Seerah She will be

celebrating her 61st birthday somewhere in Europe. Billy Brits will be with her.

What kind of money will they be spending for the European tour?

A. Lottery money C. Retirement pay

B. Separation pay D. Leave pay

8. According to RA 6727, the normal working hour of an employee in a day is

A. 7 C.9

B.8 D. 10

9. It is a mutual provident savings for private and government employees and

other earning groups.

A. Feb-ibig C. Filinvest

B.PAG_ IBIG Fund D. Quasi-banks

10. It refers to the allowance prescribed by the board for covered private sector

workers and employees.

A. Minimum wage C. Wage order