Before you start studying this module, take this simple test first to find out what you already know about this topic A Encircle the letter of your answer 1. wastes can be broken down into very small particles by tiny organisms a. Blodegradable c. Renewable b. Nonbiodegradable d. Nonrenewable 2. Many wastes can be reused or recycled. a Biodegradable c. Renewable b. Nonbiodegradable d. Nonrenewable 3 cause bodies of water to clog. a Solid wastes c. Fishes b. Chemicals d. Fertilizers 4. Waste materials such as bottles, broken glass, tin cans, waste papers are a garbage c. rubbish b. recyclable d. left over 5. It is the process of making biodegradable materials that are disposed and make it into useful ones a. burning c. composting b. recycling d. throwin