Directions: Identify the title of the lines of the songs below. Choose your answer from the list. LUBI-LUBI TWINKLE-TWINKLE LERON-LERON SINTA o 1 mon, le- ron pa ya 2. E-ne-ro. so Peb-re ti la - ro, Mar-s), SO mi fa Ab- ril.Ma - yo, Hun-yo, so ti la so SO la Hul-yo. A-gros-to. ti ti ti ti ti Scp-tem- do 3. diamond like SO in the sky mi mi 10 Twin-kle, twin-kle. do do SO SO little star la la how fa T fa won-der mi mi what you are te do SO 4 8 bre, bre, Ok-tu-bre. do do do Nob-yem la Di-syem-bre. i ti ti Lu-bi. ti la Lu Li bi. do SO 5. &1 hove 1 Up Twin-kle, tyvin-kle. do do SO little star la la SO wonder mi mi what you are. NO re do a-bove the SO fa world so high, mi mi re So