
1. In Asia, the Minangkabu ethnic group of West Sum​

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The enterprise cultural heritage of the Minangkabau cuisine, West Sumatra in Indonesia was formed by several factors such as history, knowledge, and inheritance of processing procedures to the presentation of cuisine. Minangkabau cuisine has a wealth of assets in the form of heterogeneity of culinary heritage resources that are thick with a unique value of a unique taste. Thus, Minangkabau cuisine with its cultural heritage becomes the strength of cultural identity for the Minangkabau people in the process of selecting food. The sustainability of the Minangkabau restaurant business cannot be separated from the ownership of its valuable, scarce, inimitable, and non-substitute resource assets so that it is not easy to move to competitors. The findings in this study have never been answered in previous literature reviews; furthermore, this paper is able to explain treasures about the history, geographical, cultural, and social significance of ethnic food Minangkabau with scientific evidence, the enterprise culture heritage in achieving the sustainable competitive advantage of Minangkabau cuisine with a more interesting scientific approach. This review aims to explain scientifically the identity of food and culture from Minangkabau cuisine, West Sumatra, Indonesia, namely reviewing the history and food culture of Minangkabau cuisine related to its origin, the authenticity of Minangkabau food, and the enterprise cultural heritage as a restaurant for Minangkabau cultural cuisine as a source of sustainable competition in this global business era. In the end, it was found that Minangkabau cuisine has high heterogeneity resource assets as a source of achievement of sustainable competitive advantage by heritage value.


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