5.According to Mrs. Jones, Roger has not been tought proper values at home. What is this value A. how to discern B. How to apologize C. How to earn a living D. How to stay healthy
6. "The large woman simply turned around and kicked him right square in his blue-jeaned sitter." What can you infer about Mrs. Jones's first reaction to Roger from this sentence in Thank You, Ma'am? a. She is puzzled. c. She is angry. b. She is frightened. d. She is deeply hurt.
7. Mrs. Jones said she would have given Roger money for shoes if he had simply asked. Roger pauses for a long time. What can you infer from that pause? a. He is surprised, touched, and confused by her offer b. He is growing more suspicious of Mrs. Jones. c. He is not used to washing his face, so he is taking his time. d. He is plotting ways to get more money from Mrs. Jones.
8. Analyze the line of Mrs. Jones - "shoes got by devilish ways will burn your feet". What does it mean? a. It means that the shoes will be ugly. b. It means that the shoes won't fit his feet. c. It means that the shoes will burn his feet. d. It means that if you steal money to buy shoes, eventually guilt will burn your feet. For numbers 9-10, study the given pictures, Match the pictures in Column A to the statement in Column B. Column A Column B a. She drags him home with her, saying when she's finished with him, he'll be sure never to forget he met her.
9. b. When Roger and Mrs. Jones arrived at her house, she asked if he's had supper. She assumes that since he was trying to steal her purse, he must be hungry. c. As he turns to look at Mrs. Jones in the doorway, he can barely get the words, thank you,' out of his mouth before she shuts the door.
10. d. She kicks him and grabs him by the shirt, asking if he feels ashamed of himself.