
Directions: Put a check mark (/) on the blank if the statement is correct and an (x)
mark if the statement is incorrect.

1. Sell products during peak season when there is high demand.
2. Fish and meat products must be sold as fresh as possible, carefully sorted
and packed, and must pass through strict quality control.
3. In conducting a survey, first you need to use frequency table to interpret
your data collection.
4. Using internet as a platform to market your products.
5. Marketing four-legged animals needs lot of preparation, knowledge and
6. Using tally mark is useful to distinguish the result of the survey conducted.
7. Promoting and advertising the product continuously will result to more
potential customers.
8. The conduct of survey is not useful and helpful in the marketing of products.
9. The third step in conducting a survey is tallying results.
10. The fish and/or animal raiser should not know ahead of time, where, or
when and how the products will be marketed.​