
IV. Identify the roles of the Local Government Units (LGU) in this Solid Waste Management Act in the Philippines. Put a
check (1) on the blank before each item if it states the role of the LGU and cross (X) if not.
1. Implements and enforces the provisions of this act within their respective jurisdictions
2. Updates the members of the community about the proper solid waste management act and let them learn ways
on their own
3. Conducts segregation and collection of solid waste for biodegradable, compostable and reusable wastes
4. Supervises and coordinate the implementation of tourism policies, plans and project
5. Municipality or city shall be responsible for the collection of nonrecyclable materials and special wastes
6. Advocates for proper segregation of wastes in each home barangay and community
7. Ensures the adequate provision of child-friendly and child-centered basic services in health and nutrition,
education and development, protection and participation
8. Disseminates information about the schedule of collecting wastes and how to properly dispose them before the
9. Improve its management of solid waste program
10. Facilitate learning and constantly nurture every learner

pa help pls​