Sagot :
. Make a complicated router password
Everyone worries that they won’t be able to remember a password and so just set them up as a string of numbers, such as 11111111. However, difficult passwords that are impossible to remember are good for system security.
You are going to have to give the WiFi password to other members of your family and close friends and relatives that visit regularly. However, you can’t control who they might give that password to. Although there are ways to look up a password that has already been set up in any computer’s operating system, not many people know about that utility. Making a complicated password makes it harder to communicate and it is also impossible to guess.
Make life a little harder for those trying to guess your WiFi password by using a string of random characters. A WiFi password needs to be 12 or 20 charters long and you can get one created for you by using the Comparitech password generator.